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Luka 10

O Jesus bitchrell efta-deesh bitchepangren pash i menshende
1Pal kowa rodas o Jesus wawar efta-deesh murshen win. Un job bitchras len ap o drom glan peste, te djan le an i forja un gaba, kai job ninna wella. Hako kopo djan dui mursha khetne. 2Un job penas ap lende: “Bud djob hi win tardo, te well lo an o kheer dren anlo. Jaake hi bud menshe koi, kai kamenn pash o Debleste te well. Un hi gar doha budepangre koi, te anenn le len pash leste. Doleske mangenn o Deblestar, te bitchrell lo budepangren, kai leske budrenna!
3Djan kanna! Me bitchrau tumen har bakre mashkral kol diwje djuklende. 4Lenn kek lowe peha, kek possita, un kek wawar kircha, har kolla, hoi ap tumare pire hi! Un atchenn gar ap o drom tardo, te rakrenn tumer jekeha! 5Te wenn tumer an i kheer, rakrenn o Debleskri bacht pral kol menshende win! 6Te hi i mensho kote, kai kamell koi bacht, hoi o Dewel an leskro dji della, ap koleste well o Debleskri bacht. Te kamell jek gar koi bacht, hoi o Dewel an leskro dji della, kowa lell o Debleskri bacht gar. 7Atchenn an ko kheer, kai jon tumen pre lan! Chan un pijenn kowa, hoi jon tumen denna! Hako budepaskro lell peskro chapen kolendar, kolenge job budrella. Tumer hunte djan gar an jek kheer pal o wawar.
8Te wenn tumer an i foro, un jon lenn tumen pre, chan, hoi jon tumen denna! 9Krenn sasto kol nasselen, kai kote hi! Un penenn i menshenge: O tsiro well sik, kai lell o Dewel i menshen dran o tchilatchepen win.”
10Un job penas dureder: “Te wenn tumer an i foro, un jon lenn tumen gar an i kheer dren, palle djan win ap i dromma un penenn: 11Ninna koi tchik dran tumaro foro, hoi ap mare pire hi, tchiwah mer tele. Kowa sikrell tumen, kai tumer kaman gar, te well o Dewel tumaro rai.
12Me penau tumenge: Ap ko diwes, kai o Dewel o tchatchepen pral i tsele menshende ap i phub wi-rakrella, lenna kol menshe, kai lan tumen gar pre, i bareder phagi har kol menshe an o foro Sodom.”
I forja Korazin, Betsaida un Kapernaum
13“Bibachtelo wenna tumer menshe an o foro Betsaida! Bibachtelo wenna tumer menshe an o foro Korazin! Te krals jek an i forja Tirus un Sidon sawo baro koowa an o Debleskri soor, har me pash tumende krom, riwans i menshe kote i gono trul pende, un beshans pen an i jagakri tchik, te sikrenn le, kai lengro tchilatchepen khaitell len. Un jon mukans pengro tchilatcho drom, un djans ap o Debleskro drom.
14Ap ko diwes, kai rakrell o Dewel o tchatchepen pral i menshende win, djal kol menshenge an i forja Tirus un Sidon feteder har tumenge kate. 15Un tumer menshe an o foro Kapernaum, patsenn tumer, kai wenn tumer an o bolepen hadedo? Na-a! Tumer wenna tele an o mulengro them witsedo.”
16Pale penas o Jesus ap peskre malende: “Koon ap tumende shunella, kowa shunella ap mande. Un koon shunell gar ap tumende, kowa shunell witar gar ap mande. Kowa, kai shunell gar ap mande, kowa shunell ninna gar ap koleste, kai bitchras man.”
Kol efta-deesh bitchepangre wenna pale
17Un kol efta-deesh wan pale pash o Jesuseste. Un jon his bachtelo, un penan leske: “Ninna i benga shunenn ap mende, te penah mer lenge an tiro lab: Djan dran i menshende win!”
18Koi penas o Jesus ap peskre malende: “Me dikom o benges, har peras lo dran o bolepen har i jag.
19Shunenn: Me dom tumen i soor pral o bengeskri tseli soor. Tumer stakrenna ap i sapa un ap i skorpione. Un kek nai dukrell tumen. 20Awenn gar bachtelo, te shunenn i benga ap tumende! Awenn bachtelo, kai tumaro lab an o bolepen dren tchinlo hi!”
Bachtelo hi kolla, kai dikenna, hoi o Dewel krella
21An ko tsiro das o Debleskro Ducho o Jesuses i bari bacht an o dji. Un job penas: “Tata, tu hal o rai pral o bolepen un i phub, un me sharau tut. Kowa, hoi tu kreh, sikral tu kolende, kai gar bud djinenna. Un kolla, kai gosewo hi un bud djinenna, kolla haiwenn kowa gar. Awa, jaake kamal tu kowa.
22Lauter das miro dad an mire wasta. Un kek djinella, koon o tchawo hi, har kokres o dad. Un kokres o tchawo djinella, koon o dad hi. Un o tchawo sikrell o dades kolende, kai job win rodas.”
23Pal kowa penas o Jesus ap peskre malende kokres: “Bachtelo nai han tumer, kai tumer kowa lauter dikenna, hoi o Dewel krella. 24Me penau tumenge: Bud Debleskre rakepangre un bare raja kaman te dikell, hoi tumer dikenna, un dikan les gar. Un jon kaman te shunell, hoi tumer shunenna, un shunan les gar.”
Dui bare laba, kai penenna, hoi o Dewel tutar kamella
25His i diwes, koi was i biboldengro tchatchepaskro pash o Jesuseste. Un kowa putchas lestar tchomone, te djinell lo, har gosewo o Jesus hi. Un job putchas lestar: “Sikepaskro, hoi hunte krap me, te lap o djipen, hoi gar pre-herella?#10:25 Kowa hi o Debleskro djipen.
26Penas o Jesus leske: “Hoi penell tuke o Debleskro lab? Hoi hi kote tchinlo?”
27Penas ko mursh: “Tu hunte kamess tiro Debles o tselo djijestar, an tiro tselo djipen, tiri tseli sorjah, un an lauter, hoi tu djineh. Un ap i wawar mensheste hunte wess jaake latches, har hal latches ap tute kokres.”
28Penas o Jesus leske: “Tiro hi tchatcho. Kre lauter jaake, un tu djiweh!”
29Un ko mursheske his kowa, hoi o Jesus leske penas, gar doha, un job putchas pale: “Koon hi kol wawar, te wap latches ap lende?”
O latcho mursh dran o them Samaria
30Un o Jesus penas ap leste: “I mursh was dran o foro Jerusalem, un kamas te djal an o foro Jericho. Un i tchorepangre peran pral leste, un dan les, un lan leske lauter krik, un mukan les paash-mulo tchiddo. 31Ap ko tsiro djas i rashai ap ko drom. Har job kau murshes dikas, djas lo dureder.
32Ninna i mursh, kai budrell an o Debleskro baro kheer#10:32 Kowa hi i Levitari., djas ap ko drom, un dikas kau murshes, un djas dureder.
33Palle djas i mursh, kai was dran o them Samaria#10:33 I tsele Samaritarja his pale-tchidde an i biboldengre jaka. ap ko drom, kai ko mursh tchiddo hi. Un har dikas lo les, djas kowa leske phares an o dji. 34Job djas pash leste, tchoras djet un mool kote, kai job dino un tchinlo was, un pandas laintikre kotja trujel. Palle hadas les lo ap peskro grai, un anas les an i kertchima, un dikas, kai well les sopaske un chapaske.
35O wawar diwes taissarlake das lo dui rupene beme o rajeste an koi kertchima, un penas: De les chapen un pipen! Te hi kol lowe gar doha leske, dau tute budeder, te wau pale.”
36Un o Jesus penas: “Triin mursha dikan koles, kai dino un wi-tchoredo was. Koon lendar kras jaake ap koleste, har te kras mer ap i wawarende?”
37Penas o biboldengro tchatchepaskro ap leste: “Kowa, kai kras peskro dji leske pre.”
Pale penas o Jesus leske: “Dja, un kre kowa ninna jaake!”
I Marta un i Maria
38Un o Jesus djas peskre malentsa dureder ap o drom. Un jon wan an i gab. Kote his i djuwel. Kolakro lab his Marta. Koja las les pash peste an o kheer dren. 39Un kolat his i pheen. Koja kharas Maria. Joi beshas pes glan leskre pire, un shunas, hoi job penas. 40I Marta kras peske bud budi, te dell li len te chal un te pijell. Joi djas pash o Jesuseste, un penas: “Rai, hi tuke kowa jek, kai miri pheen mukell man lauter kokres te krell? Pen lake, te budrell li mantsa!”
41Koi penas o rai: “Marta, Marta, tu mareh tut tele, un kreh tuke bud budi.
42Dell jek koowa, hoi bud moldo hi, un i Maria hatsas les. Kowa well latar gar krik lino.”

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Luka 10: Sint2021





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