Ạsuor 9
Ọngo ạḍiseph Ẹnaan ịlo iiḅi ịiruen ọdi
1Ọmoogh-we, mị kaboom ni nyịna rꞌoomo ologhi ạmi,
ạgbaaghiom ghan oomo iiḍighi aruugu phọ ạna.
2Rꞌọḅaal ologhi, mị kabo ghan iboh esi ạna,
ạḅile kẹn ạmoor sụor aboomiom ḍien phọ ạna, Ọkaraghi Egbogh Ẹnaan.
3Mem lọ nạ amite, ạbumulogh-ḍien phọ ạmi oḅula ọman
bịn omeleghu ude omuughu.
4Nạ kụ raagbo ghan bọ ịiruen dị esel.
Nạ masoph erugh ugheelemi ịmi.
5Nạ mạḅaam oomo areelhe phọ
kụ apiemi bụo ạsipioghom mọ.
Nạ magbuurogh siḍien ạbidi kꞌagee-pọ.
6Ạbumulogh-ḍien phọ ayoor momuneen.
Nạ maphiemi ni rạmha phọ ạbidi ạman
dị kọ̋otughian ghan mun bịdi.
7Ọmoogh-we phọ ọdaam eelhe kꞌagee-pọ.
Ọdi maselemi ni ạgada ọdaam eelhe phọ ọdi ịlo oogbo ịiruen.
8Ọdi kạsighe ruukuan kụ ạdaam aḅirini phọ,
kụ aagbonaan we ịiruen dị eeleeny.
9Ọmoogh-we phọ kụ oghoph ạbuphe rọmiine yogh bọ
rꞌesi ạaghian mem ịiḅaghami.
10Bụphe olegheri bọ ḍien phọ ạna oḍuom nyịna ologhi.
Ọmoogh-we, nạ rámutonaan ghan bụlo oru esi ạna.
11Ịmoor ghan sụor eboomiom Ọmoogh-we phọ, nyọpo ạda bọ ẹpe Zạyon.
Ịgbaaghi eḍighinom ạraraar phọ ọdi ẹḅeni yogh we aḅirini phọ.
12Ọdi rạliom ghan weye lọ oḍighi ịkaraph bụnon,
ọdi rạatughian ghan bụphe rọmiinom bọ,
ówula emoghi phọ ạbidi.
13Ọmoogh-we, ụnma ịmi ighirigiir,
tụutughian ịminimiin phọ ịpe mị ạmiinom bọ esi ạbuphe ụlhogh bọ ịmi ḍien,
kụ uphoophe ịmi ạsighe ọnhu aḍuugh,
14pịdi mị ạghaaph aabagaam nyịna
pạ ogbo ạnmanyaan phọ aJeruselem,
mị aboom kẹn pẹleeny phọ ạna.
15Oomo areelhe phọ mosumughu ologhi ạghele phọ bịdi oguphogh bọ.
Bịdi momeleghu ịseki phọ bịdi olhereghi bọ.
16Ọmoogh-we phọ maḍighi ịdi molhegheri nyọdi loor iiḅi ịiruen phọ ọdi asoph bọ.
Bụo ạsipioghom mọ momeleghu siphil phọ ịpe bịdi ọkpamaghi bọ.
17Aḍuugh kụ ịikpia ạbuo ạsipioghom mọ
rꞌoomo areelhe phọ ịpe owula bọ Ẹnaan.
18Kóomo amem kụ ẹdi kobula uwekulom.
Oḍuom-ologhi uwekulom kápe kꞌagee-pọ.
19Ọmoogh-we, ḅetenu kámeera mun oye ạkpar apu nyịna.
Kpookpomoghi oomo areelhe phọ aagbonaan bịdi ịiruen.
20Ọmoogh-we, lọgh eepuph loor ạbidi;
pịdi oomo areelhe phọ olegheri mọ bụno oopho awe dị romugh ghan ni.
Currently Selected:
Ạsuor 9: ẠḌI
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© 2018 ALDLS
Abuan Language Development and Literacy Society
Ayama-Abua, Rivers State, Nigeria
Published by
Nigeria Bible Translation Trust
No. 7 Old Airport Road
P.O. Box 790, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria
ISBN: 978-978-966-354-5
In cooperation with
Ch. de Praz-Roussy 4b, 1032 Romanel-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
The New Testament in Abuan was originally published
in 1978 by The Bible Society of Nigeria with © UBS