Ạsuor 8
Eegu Ẹnaan rꞌeghuan oye
1Ọmoogh-we, Ọmoogh-we phọ ayoor,
aḍigbogh aḍien phọ ạna eepaany ni oomo aḅirini phọ.
Igbogh phọ ạna esi ni ạnyu ạke.
2 #
Mat 21.16
Nạ kụ ụto bọ ni mọ ạnmuny rꞌạbuphe rọmaam ghan bọ mạmaam ọmoor sụor oghueniom nyịna.
Ịyaar nyịna ị́kan.
Nạ rakikima ghan bụlo ọlhogh nyịna ḍien.
3Mem lọ mị aphogh ạnyu ạke phọ ọpo nạ ạlhem bọ,
ạmiin ụnwanyu phọ rꞌạraanaan phọ ịpe nạ asereghi bọ riisi kịrokiro phọ ạbidi,
4 #
Job 7.17, 18; Ạsuo 144.3; Hib 2.6-8 oye phọ pọ eeghe kụ nạ aseerian bọ nyọdi ologhi,
oopho phọ oye kụ ọdi nạ rapogh ghan!
5Ghạlamo ịduon ni nạ ạlhem nyọdi asooromi ẹphurukpu apuemi rụukpaany phọ ạna bịn,
nạ azu nyọdi eghoony eegu rꞌeghuan.
6 #
1 Kọr 15.27; Ẹfe 1.22; Hib 2.8 Nạ ạdaami nyọdi mọ aphogh ghan oomo ạraraar phọ nạ ạlhem bọ.
Nạ ạḅogh oomo ạraraar ạlogh ḍịghaagh ọdi,
7oomo iyool-ịga rꞌạsinam mọ, rꞌilhom ịnam mọ kẹn,
8ịnun okuaḍio phọ rꞌina ọphiiny phọ,
rꞌoomo ịpe edi bọ ologhi ạrumuum mọ.
9Ọmoogh-we, Ọmoogh-we phọ ayoor,
igbogh phọ ạna eepaany ni oomo aḅirini phọ.
Currently Selected:
Ạsuor 8: ẠḌI
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© 2018 ALDLS
Abuan Language Development and Literacy Society
Ayama-Abua, Rivers State, Nigeria
Published by
Nigeria Bible Translation Trust
No. 7 Old Airport Road
P.O. Box 790, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria
ISBN: 978-978-966-354-5
In cooperation with
Ch. de Praz-Roussy 4b, 1032 Romanel-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
The New Testament in Abuan was originally published
in 1978 by The Bible Society of Nigeria with © UBS