Ạsuor 6
Ịiḅereghi ọloghonaan ạḍighaagh mem ịiḅaghami
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Ạsuo 38.1
Ọmoogh-we, kụ́ḅaam ịmi rꞌọghagh ologhi.
Kạ́sighe ghẹlhe ạphurom rụru ạmi.
2Mị madughogh. Ọmoogh-we, ụnma ịmi ighirigiir.
Ịḅarara ạmi rephighaphigha. Uukonom ịmi.
3Uwaloor phọ ạmi kẹn rạmiinom ni.
Pụr amem kụ ẹdi kẹpher nyịna ọlhiom ạmi?
4Ọmoogh-we, loor ọnma ighirigiir phọ ạna,
tue ụtagharan ịmi esi aḍuugh.
5Ọlo mamugh nyịna rạ́atughian ghan mun.
Ọmar iḍim, ạnhian kụ kạseph nyịna?
6Mị mạghola raminonom loor ịminimiin.
Izin rẹḅore ghan ẹmina phọ ạmi ḍughul aḍughul.
Ọḅetenom ẹmhu phọ ạmi rạḅor ghan rꞌizin.
7Ariḍien ạmi meḅaaghaph;
mị rạ́miin ghan mun igey eten
loor ọto phọ ạbumulogh-ḍien phọ ụlhogh bọ ịmi.
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Mat 7.23; Luk 13.27 Ịkporion ịmi rạghaagh, nyina abuḍighinom ịkaraph.
Ọmoogh-we phọ rạnaghan ghan ni emoghi phọ ạmi.
9Ọdi ạnaghan kẹn ni ịiḅereghi phọ ạmi,
ḅịle kụloghonaan ni ịmi ḍịghaagh.
10Umugholoor kasiph ni oomo ạbumulogh-ḍien phọ ạmi;
kọwalalami bịdi ekperenom oḅulemi ọman.
Currently Selected:
Ạsuor 6: ẠḌI
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© 2018 ALDLS
Abuan Language Development and Literacy Society
Ayama-Abua, Rivers State, Nigeria
Published by
Nigeria Bible Translation Trust
No. 7 Old Airport Road
P.O. Box 790, Jos Plateau State, Nigeria
ISBN: 978-978-966-354-5
In cooperation with
Ch. de Praz-Roussy 4b, 1032 Romanel-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
The New Testament in Abuan was originally published
in 1978 by The Bible Society of Nigeria with © UBS