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God's Redemption Story (Exodus - Joshua)Пример

God's Redemption Story (Exodus - Joshua)

ДЕН 17 ОТ 30

The Israelites lived 400 years in Egypt before God brought them out, so it’s safe to assume they had picked up some Egyptian customs and religious practices. When God gave the children of Israel the Ten Commandments, these rules may have sounded like a list of dos and don’ts. But the language in these verses shows God’s love and care for his people.

The fourth commandment, about the Sabbath, is designed to give rest to a people who have known only arduous labor for the last 400 years. Taking a day off would have been foreign to them, but God gave them the freedom to rest. The fifth commandment, about honoring parents, is the only commandment that includes a promise. Here, God states specifically that he wants his people to live long and happy lives in their new home.

When we live by God’s rules, we choose the life of health and freedom that he intended for us all along.


Ден 16Ден 18

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