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God's Redemption Story (Exodus - Joshua)Пример

God's Redemption Story (Exodus - Joshua)

ДЕН 19 ОТ 30

When God gave Moses the Ten Commandments, he didn’t just carve them into stone and hope everyone took a few minutes to review them. Deuteronomy 6 tells us that God instructed the people to write them down everywhere, to talk about them all the time, teach them to their children, and write them on their hearts.

Living a healthy life in the right relationship with God isn’t about showing up to church on Sunday and reading an odd verse here and there. It’s not even about attending every church function to show how holy we look on the outside. Life with God is about imprinting his truth on our souls so that we become the very picture of God himself.

He loved the Israelites enough to save them from Egypt. He loved us enough to send his Son to die on the cross and pay our price. That’s the kind of love others should see when they look at us.

Ден 18Ден 20

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