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Royals Part III: Into ExileПример

Royals Part III: Into Exile

ДЕН 9 ОТ 21

Lies, Lies, Lies

The devil is the master of lies. Throughout this whole line of kings, he has had it easy, fooling them into turning from the Lord by offering them wealth, prosperity and glory. Hezekiah and Jerusalem were not going to be so easily won over. Through Sennacherib he turns to his last resorts, doubt and fear. Does God really have the power to save you? If he does, will he choose to use it?

The tactics of the evil one haven’t changed much over the millennia. He is still trying to threaten and mislead people out of their faith in God, hoping that they will turn to other things. The battlefield today is usually in the spiritual as well as the physical, Satan is trying to conquer our hearts, not just our nation.

Hezekiah and Isaiah give us a great example of how to respond in the face of fear and doubt: cry out in prayer to heaven. Today we can cry out in the name of Jesus, whose name holds incomparable power. We can be sure that he will protect the gates of our hearts when the evil one attacks.

Thought Point

How do you respond when you feel the attack of doubt and fear?

Prayer Point

If you’re struggling with doubt and fear, cry out to The Lord in the name of Jesus. Ask Him to protect the gate to your heart.


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