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Royals Part III: Into ExileПример

Royals Part III: Into Exile

ДЕН 14 ОТ 21

Too Young?

Manasseh and Amon had turned Judah into a cruel, twisted nation that bowed down to cruel, twisted gods. With Amon's death, Judah was once again in an extremely unstable time. There was every chance that history would repeat and another Athaliah from the group of officials that killed Amon would take the opportunity to seize power. Instead, they put Josiah on the throne at the age of eight years old.

It is interesting that during the same reign the Lord calls Jeremiah into prophecy. What is Jeremiah's response? "I am too young." We don't know exactly how old Jeremiah is at this point, but if the word of the Lord came to him in the thirteenth year of Josiah, the king himself was only twenty-one when Jeremiah was called. Josiah at the age of twenty had already started to tear down the high places, Asherah poles, and idols. Jeremiah would have known and seen Josiah's incredible reforms, and yet he still doesn't initially feel he has what's required to be a prophet of the Lord.

The same applies to us. It doesn't have to be age, it can be anything. We are so good at finding reasons for why we are inadequate, but when God calls us, none of our inadequacies matter anymore. God says to each of us, "You must go to everyone I send you to and say whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you and will rescue you."

Thought Point

Does your insecurity stop you from stepping out in obedience to God's call for you?

Prayer Point

Ask God to give you words to share with other people today. Ask Him to give you the courage to do and say whatever He commands you.

Ден 13Ден 15

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