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God's Touchpoints - The Prophetic Era (Part 4)Пример

God's Touchpoints - The Prophetic Era (Part 4)

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God has never ceased to provide adequate heads up to His people of the shape of things to come. However, it has always been the few that respond and take their stand. The majority are ignorant, sit on the fence or remain complacent, indulging in the current life with disregard to the future.

The 12 minor (as in length of book) prophets (850 to 430 B.C.) warn of impending judgment with the glimmer of hope for the remnant.

Pre-Exilic Prophets of Israel
• Hosea’s dalliances with the prostitute are an object lesson to Israel’s “adulterous affairs” and God’s willingness to forgive.
• Jonah’s power-packed message transforms Ninevah, winning them to repentance. However, the attitude of the prophets is found wanting.
• Amos, the shepherd, illustrates God’s word as the plumbline, the benchmark to achieve. In the midst of rampant slavery, greed, and mistreatment of the poor, he reaches out to the complacent, spiritually lazy, and hypocritical nation.

Pre-Exilic Prophets of Judah
• Obadiah speaks of judgment to Edom.
• Joel talks of the judgment as an invasion of locusts as well as the pouring out of the Holy Spirit.
• Micah’s theme is right living and obedience, and condemns false prophets and hypocritical religion.
• Nahum speaks judgment to Assyria.
• Habakkuk’s pain at the gross injustice is lightened by God’s promise “the righteous shall live by faith (1:5, 2:4).
• Zephaniah’s message covers judgment and restoration.

Post-Exilic Prophets
• Haggai strengthens the remnant with God’s assurance of His presence and spirit.
• Zechariah in particular covers end-time prophecies of the renewed nation of Israel.
o Mourning for the Pierced One (12:10)
o Idolatry cut off (13:1)
o The remnant (13:8-9)
o The Millenial Kingdom (14:9-13)
• Nations worship Jesus the King (14:14-16)
• Holiness (14:20-21)
• Malachi sets the stage for a new dawn with Christ’s birth when “the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in His wings.” (4:2)

Few are prepared for the way he makes his appearance in our world, though it matches the biblical prophecies completely. Hundreds of prophecies in the Bible have been fulfilled. All power and glory belong to Christ. Are we in allegiance with the strongest power in earth and heaven? Do we stand out, like the prophets, ready to speak out the truth to an unreceptive people to win them over to the victory side?


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