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God's Touchpoints - The Prophetic Era (Part 4)Пример

God's Touchpoints - The Prophetic Era (Part 4)

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Isaiah’s name, “the Lord has saved,” reiterates the only hope of the world today – salvation through Christ. He is quoted most - 21 times in the NT. He lives through the reigns of 5 kings ending in wicked Manasseh, where he is probably sawn in two.

He touches almost all key biblical concepts from creation to eternity. Not chronological, it is intended to confuse the rebellious (Isaiah 28:11-13) and save the seekers.

Some references to the plethora of topics are below:
• Creation - 43:7
• Lucifer’s fall - 14:12-15
• Separated by sin - 59:1,2
• Universal sin - 64:6
• Lip service - 29:13
• Judgment - 1:18-20
• Evangelism - 6:8,9, 40:3,4
• God’s control over pagan kings - 45:1-5 NIV, The rising of King Cyrus (mentioned by name) to protect God’s people - Prophesied approximately ~712 B.C., fulfilled approximately 536 B.C.
• Christ’s birth - 7:14,15, (Prophesied around 742 B.C.)
• Redemption through Christ - 53:3-5
• Salvation - 1:18
• Universal gospel - 56:1-8
• Power of the Word - 55:11
• Humility - 66:2
• Eternal death - 66:24
• Millenial rule of Christ - 42:4
• New heavens and new earth – 65:23-25

Messianic prophecies are fulfilled:
Prophecy Fulfillment
Birth to a virgin – 7:14 Matt 1:22,23
Rejection – 8:14 1 Peter 2:8; 3:14
Reign – 11:1-11 Romans 15:12
Cornerstone – 28:16 Romans 9:33; 1 Peter 2:6
Forerunner – 40:3-5 Matthew 3:3
Mission – 42:1-2 Matthew 12:18-21
Servant of suffering – 53 John 12:38; Acts 8:32-35; Mt 27:12-14; 8:17; John 1:12
Ministry – 61:1,2 Luke 4:18
Family of David – 11:1 Matthew 1; Luke 3
Spirit of the Lord on Him – 11:2 Matthew 3:16
Light to the Gentiles – 9:1-2 Matthew 12:14-16

God’s hand on the dispersion and subsequent regathering of Israel is prophesied in great detail and mostly already fulfilled.
• Handing Israel over to plunderers - 42:24
• Streams in the desert, springs in the valleys - 41:18-20, 42:24
• The Lord fights for Israel – 63:1-3
• Israel born in a day – 68:8
• Wealth of the nations flooding to Israel – 66:12

Israel, after nearly 2,500 years, is declared a new sovereign state on May 14, 1948. It is, today, the only nation following the God of the Bible.

The stage is being set for Christ’s second coming. Are we ready to meet Him? Are we continuing to raise the banner of salvation, win souls and extend His kingdom?


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