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The Merciful MasterПример

The Merciful Master

ДЕН 9 ОТ 14

Gaining a Brother

Paul is constantly attacked by liberal critics that he was imperialistic in attitude and approach because he never condemned the abominable act of slavery. While Paul does not explicitly condemn slavery, he does whisper for its abolition in these verses if one dares to listen for it. The apostle calls Philemon to not merely forgive Onesimus and take him back, but also to consider him as a dear brother in the Lord Jesus. In other words, Paul flips the economic, social, and cultural mores of his day and states something that is not only radical but also incredibly scandalous. The runaway slave who was a criminal according to Roman law and deserving of the death penalty is now to be considered as a brother and part of the family. Thus, we see Paul crying out for the emancipation of Onesimus if not aloud according to the letter of the law, then at least quietly enough for us to hear the transcendent grace present in his words. 

It is remarkable that Paul would say something so daring to Philemon. After all, Philemon had every right to have Onesimus whipped and crucified. However, Paul could see God’s sovereign hand of grace behind the entire affair. Paul traces divine providence at work even in the sinfulness of Onesimus. For in his running away, he encountered God pursuing him, and salvation visited Philemon’s household without Philemon even realizing it. God was at work so that Philemon’s temporary parting with Onesimus might become an eternal reunion. Philemon lost an asset in his runaway slave, but now he gains a brother in the family of God! Here we behold the wonderful truth that earthly relationships turn into eternal bonds when it is established by faith in Christ. 

The cross of Christ reverses our wildest expectations. What is seemingly broken, lost, and dead in the eyes of the world is changed to reunion, gain, and life eternal for those who believe. This is the abundant grace of God at work in the most devastating loss and damaging sins of man to bring forth salvation for his glory.   


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Относно този план

The Merciful Master

The Merciful Master is a two-week journey of grace through the epistle to Philemon. It is a verse-by-verse study of the letter that explores the generous mercy of God in Christ Jesus and what it means to live a life of love manifesting itself in acts of holy mercy.
