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The Merciful MasterПример

The Merciful Master

ДЕН 12 ОТ 14

Generous Mercy

Paul writes this epistle with his own hand stating his generous intent to pay Onesimus’ debts. This epistle was his bond of promise to which he could be held to. This is remarkable considering that Paul normally dictated his letters to an amanuensis (scribe). Paul is undertaking extraordinary measures to ensure that real reconciliation is brokered between Philemon and Onesimus. 

Paul, while speaking of restitution, is quick to remind that Onesimus is not the only one who owes something. Philemon too is a debtor for it was Paul who led him to Christ and ministered God’s gospel blessings to him. Thus, Philemon owes his very life in one sense to the apostle since without his faithful ministry, he would have been dead in his sins. Of course, salvation is a gift of God’s grace, and Paul reminds Philemon that he was that grace of God for him. God uses members of his church to proclaim the gospel to save lost sinners. Therefore, there is always a debt of service every believer has towards the body of Christ - the church. Paul is hopeful that Philemon would generously fulfill his obligation by not only forgiving Onesimus but to go beyond the call of duty by freeing him to return and serve alongside the apostle in Rome.  

Every sinner is a debtor to the grace of God. Saints in Jesus Christ who have experienced God’s grace and understand the great cost of such free grace cannot keep account of the sins of others. If we are to do so, then our own account would be in red. God expects a generous magnanimity from his children who have tasted the never-ending love of Jesus. The believer’s life is a holy vessel that overflows with the generous mercy of Jesus all the days of one’s life (Psalm 23:5-6). Such merciful love can never be contained and must be shared abundantly. As the English poet and priest, Gerald Manly Hopkins wrote:

Yea a debt to pay thee yet: 

Help me, sir, and so I will.

But thou bidst, and just thou art,

Me shew mercy from my heart

Towards my brother, every other

Man my mate and counterpart. 


Ден 11Ден 13

Относно този план

The Merciful Master

The Merciful Master is a two-week journey of grace through the epistle to Philemon. It is a verse-by-verse study of the letter that explores the generous mercy of God in Christ Jesus and what it means to live a life of love manifesting itself in acts of holy mercy.
