The Reality of Hell, Part 2 of "Heaven and Hell"Узор

The Reality of Hell, Part 2 of "Heaven and Hell"

ДЗЕНЬ 13 З 14

Don’t wait till it’s too late

“Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. When once the Master of the house has risen and shut the door, and you begin to stand outside and to knock at the door, saying, ‘Lord, open to us,’ then He will answer you, ‘I do not know where you come from.’” (Luke 13:24-25)

When we think about people's eternal destiny, we are quick to ask: Will many people enter God's Kingdom? Or will most of them go to hell, and only a few be saved? That question was also asked of the Lord Jesus: “Lord, will those who are saved be few?” (Luke 23:13).

Remarkably, Jesus did not answer directly. Instead, He exhorted people: Strive to enter God's Kingdom yourself. We should not concern ourselves with numbers or statistics, but with our own salvation. Because even if 99% of mankind is saved, that doesn't help you. And even if only 1% of people are saved, the invitation to you still stands.

Jesus says that many people wait until it is too late. Only when the door is closed do they want to enter. But then that is no longer possible. Those who are too late must remain outside. What a horrible possibility!

You do not know how long you will live, and thus how much time you have to “enter through the narrow door.” Therefore, don't wait any longer, but put your life in God's hands today!

Дзень 12Дзень 14

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The Reality of Hell, Part 2 of "Heaven and Hell"

Some people joke that they’d rather be in hell drinking with their buddies than in heaven with stuffy saints. But these people are completely blind to its reality and meaning. Hell is real, and we’d better take it seriously. The Bible does not describe hell to scare us, but to warn us. And that is also the purpose of this reading plan!
