The Reality of Hell, Part 2 of "Heaven and Hell"Узор

The Reality of Hell, Part 2 of "Heaven and Hell"

ДЗЕНЬ 12 З 14

The existence of hell shows us the seriousness of sin

“For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men…” (Romans 1:18)

It's not pleasant to think about hell. Ideally, I would just skip this subject and focus on more joyful matters. And yet, from time to time it is good to dwell on this horrible reality. For it reminds us of the far-reaching consequences of unfaithfulness and disobedience to God. The existence of hell shows us how severely the Lord God takes sin.

If we live day in and day out in a society that doesn't care about God, we can easily begin to think this is normal. If we have been facing certain temptations in our own lives for years, we may be inclined to ease up in the long run. After all, as God is love, surely He understands that we are not faultless!? And well, even though our neighbor does not believe in God, he is quite a good person in other respects. We may not see a problem in that either.

But the Bible makes us face the facts. Sin is bad. God is infinitely great and holy, and He is more than worthy of our complete devotion. When people reject or mock Him, that's dreadful.

How seriously do you take sin in your own life and in society as a whole? Does your attitude need correction?

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The Reality of Hell, Part 2 of "Heaven and Hell"

Some people joke that they’d rather be in hell drinking with their buddies than in heaven with stuffy saints. But these people are completely blind to its reality and meaning. Hell is real, and we’d better take it seriously. The Bible does not describe hell to scare us, but to warn us. And that is also the purpose of this reading plan!
