Break Free and Live in TruthУзор

Break Free and Live in Truth

ДЗЕНЬ 6 З 13

Break the Silence

The first active step towards breaking free from my eating disorder was, in some ways, the biggest and most important step. I exposed my twenty-five-year secret to a trusted friend. Afterwards, she encouraged me to share with the women in my Bible study group too.

The more people who knew about my bulimia, the less power Satan had over my life.

Satan lost power. But I gained it.

After my confession, I felt support, encouragement, and love pouring through my dear sisters-in-Christ. I was no longer alone in my battle. Several mighty warriors prayed for me, held me accountable, and spoke truth into my life. In true Christian fashion, they became the hands and feet of Jesus.

Eventually, I worked up the courage to tell my husband. This was hard because he had no idea I’d been battling this demon. When I finally confessed to him what I had been dealing with, he was hurt that I had hid it from him for so long. But he was also thankful to finally know the truth. It took some time to rebuild the trust between us. Just because I had exposed my secret did not mean I was exempt from facing consequences for my actions.

Over time, I shared my secret with others. With each confession, I worried what people might think of me, but my fears never materialized. Instead, I was embraced with love, compassion, and forgiveness.

If you have been keeping your struggles secret, don’t give Satan control any longer. Break the silence, and break the stronghold!

“Satan builds his strongholds in the secrets of our lives and reinforces them by our silence. When we break the silence, we break the strongholds” (Jonas Biehler).

Personal Reflection

  • Have you told anyone about your current struggles?
  • If not, are you ready to break the silence?
  • Write down the names of those you could tell and ask God to help you have enough courage to talk with them.


Lord Jesus, please give me courage to break the silence concerning my struggles and lead me to the right person I can openly share and trust. I pray you would prepare his or her heart beforehand, and give him or her compassion and understanding. I know this burden is too heavy for me to carry alone. Amen.

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Break Free and Live in Truth

Millions of women find themselves stuck in a cycle of negative thinking and destructive behaviors when it comes to food and body-image. It’s time to break free! This 13-Day plan walks you through important steps and biblical truths that lead to food and body-image freedom based on the real-life journey of one who has been where you are.
