Break Free and Live in TruthУзор

Break Free and Live in Truth

ДЗЕНЬ 9 З 13


A computer is a complex piece of machinery, yet if you know the proper language and keystrokes, one can manipulate technology with relative ease. My husband is a computer geek. He knows more about computers than the average Joe. So, when my laptop becomes a little sluggish and no longer performs at the level I need, I call on him for help.

Oftentimes, the culprit for slowing down my computer is all the corrupt data that’s been downloaded over time. In order to fix my PC, my husband must first spend some time diagnosing the problem. With a proper diagnosis in place, he is able to find the corrupted files, remove them, and get my computer up and running smoothly again.

Changing unwanted patterns of behavior is a little more complicated than tapping out commands on a keyboard. However, there are some parallels we can take from the analogy.

When we notice unwelcome behavior patterns developing, we need to carefully determine what might be causing our unfavorable reaction. Behavior patterns (positive or negative) are first born in the mind. How we process incoming data in our minds and what we believe about that information will greatly impact our actions. The mind is a powerful command center. If we want to impact change in our behavior, we must first transform our minds.

How do we do that in practical terms?

First, we need to reject anything that does not line up with God’s truth in the Bible and then we need to reprogram our thoughts so that they agree with Christ. One of the ways we can do this is through daily meditation of God’s Word. Here’s something that has helped me to reprogram my brain. I write biblical truths on index cards and read through them every day. As God’s truths permeate my heart and mind, unwanted thoughts and behaviors filter out.

Don’t allow the world’s corrupted data to contaminate your thoughts and actions any longer. Take every thought captive, clothe yourself with Christ, and view everything against the backdrop of God’s Word.

Personal Reflection

  • Do you take time to meet with God each day?
  • If so, how does spending time with God make you feel?
  • If you need help finding biblical truths to counteract the lies you have believed, go to and become a subscriber. You will receive a free alphabetical Topical Scripture Reference to help you replace lies with truth.


Heavenly Father, please help me weed out worldly lies about myself and help me replace those lies with the truth in your Word. Remind me to take time to be with you every day so that you can help me recognize and change any unhealthy thoughts or behaviors. Amen.

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Break Free and Live in Truth

Millions of women find themselves stuck in a cycle of negative thinking and destructive behaviors when it comes to food and body-image. It’s time to break free! This 13-Day plan walks you through important steps and biblical truths that lead to food and body-image freedom based on the real-life journey of one who has been where you are.
