Parasha Minute: Genesis / BreisheetУзор

Parasha Minute: Genesis / Breisheet

ДЗЕНЬ 13 З 31

"Finding Refuge"

A state of righteousness – “being right with God” - was demonstrated by Noach (Noah) when he acted in faith and followed God’s instructions. The result of such faith was salvation for Noach (Noah) and the family he brought with him into the ark. God’s purpose for Noach (Noah) was to provide him with a vessel of refuge, lifted high above the earth’s corruption and violence. Only those aboard the ark survived worldwide destruction. As we continue to look for parallels and patterns in the Bible, we find a vivid picture of God’s plan of salvation.

This insight strikes a chord even as we observe a world that has changed little in the thousands of years since Noach, a world marked by violence and diminished regard for human life. In Yeshua’s (Jesus’) sacrifice, God provides a way to be fully cleansed of sin, and an example for wise living. Yeshua is our ark, but we must accept the invitation to step aboard. Reflection / Prayer: Lord, You waited patiently during the building of the ark. Thank You for waiting for us to listen and obey. I take Your invitation in faith, and find shelter in You.

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Parasha Minute: Genesis / Breisheet

31 days of 1-3 minute practical insight based on the week’s Parasha—the Jewish annual reading guide covering the first 5 books of the Bible, Torah. Daily Words on the Book of Genesis / B’reisheet include B’reisheet (In the beginning), Noach (Noah), Lech Lecha (Get yourself out) and Vayera (He appeared). Revisit with Hebraic perspective, old and new words inspired by the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) pointing us to Yeshua (Jesus).
