Parasha Minute: Genesis / BreisheetУзор

Parasha Minute: Genesis / Breisheet

ДЗЕНЬ 12 З 31

"Missing the Signs"

For the earliest hearers of Yeshua’s (Jesus’) words, the only Scriptures that existed were the writings of the Hebrew Bible, or The Old Testament. These consisted of the Torah, the first five books; the Nevi’im or the writings of the prophets; and the Ketuvim, or writings, among which we find the Psalms and Proverbs; the books of Daniel, Ezra, and the Chronicles. Yeshua quoted them often, knowing His audience would understand His references. In this passage, Yeshua addresses the questions of the P’rushim (Pharisees), who wish to know when the Kingdom of God would come.

Yet there it was right in front of them! Yeshua recalls the days of Noach (Noah), when only the righteous were privy to God’s plans. All others were too deeply involved and distracted with the details of daily living. Blind to the signs, they missed out on the most important detail of all: knowing Yeshua. Reflection / Prayer: How wonderful it is to walk with You and find wisdom and understanding. Adonai, help us to prioritize knowing You above all things, or risk missing out on Your presence in our very midst.

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Parasha Minute: Genesis / Breisheet

31 days of 1-3 minute practical insight based on the week’s Parasha—the Jewish annual reading guide covering the first 5 books of the Bible, Torah. Daily Words on the Book of Genesis / B’reisheet include B’reisheet (In the beginning), Noach (Noah), Lech Lecha (Get yourself out) and Vayera (He appeared). Revisit with Hebraic perspective, old and new words inspired by the Ruach Hakodesh (Holy Spirit) pointing us to Yeshua (Jesus).
