Supremacy of Christ: A Study in HebrewsУзор

Supremacy of Christ: A Study in Hebrews

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What does it say?

The author challenged his readers to leave the elementary teachings of Scripture and go on to spiritual maturity in Christ.

What does it mean?

The writer addressed the spiritually arrested condition that was rampant among these Hebrew believers. They need to move beyond the foundational doctrines of faith. It’s not a command to know more but to apply what they have already learned and build upon those truths. Greater spiritual maturity should be the goal of all Christians, no matter what their stage of development. It’s impossible to remain a sluggish believer when anchored in God’s Word and acting in faith on His promises.

How should I respond?

It’s sad when a child doesn’t grow physically, mentally, or emotionally; the same is true when a believer doesn’t mature in his or her faith. Spiritual maturity isn’t in the knowing but in the doing. In what area of your life do you need to do what God has revealed in His Word? In which of the doctrines listed at the beginning of this passage are you ready to move on to greater maturity? Be careful not to become sluggish or satisfied with the status quo in your spiritual life. There is always more to know about God’s Word and His character. Which truth will you act on today?

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Supremacy of Christ: A Study in Hebrews

Although the authorship of Hebrews is unclear, the message of the book could not be clearer: Jesus Christ is superior to all. Jesus’ name is greater than the angels, He is more faithful than Moses, and only His blood has the power to take away sin. Hebrews reminds us to look to Jesus and faithfully run the race He has called us to.
