Supremacy of Christ: A Study in HebrewsУзор

Supremacy of Christ: A Study in Hebrews

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What does it say?

The writer compared the earthly and heavenly sanctuaries along with the sacrifices made in them.

What does it mean?

God is holy, and people are sinful. A blood sacrifice is required for sinful people to enter the presence of a holy God. Throughout the Old Testament, the high priest would offer the blood of animals for Israel’s sins. These sacrifices covered their sins but couldn’t remove them or give the worshipper a clear conscience. They were just a shadow of the true sacrifice, the blood of Jesus Christ. The person who claims Jesus’ sacrifice as his or her own can live in freedom, waiting for His return. Forgiveness of sin comes only through the blood of Jesus.

How should I respond?

At some point in life, we’ve all been labeled: cool, geek, math nerd, soccer mom, etc. But no matter what group you fall into, God categorizes all people as sinners in need of forgiveness. Does the mention of blood in the Bible make you uneasy? Thinking about the blood that Jesus shed on the Cross in payment for your sin should flood your heart with gratitude and a desire to please Him. Have you accepted God’s forgiveness for your sin based on Jesus’ sacrifice? If so, you have another label … child of God!

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Supremacy of Christ: A Study in Hebrews

Although the authorship of Hebrews is unclear, the message of the book could not be clearer: Jesus Christ is superior to all. Jesus’ name is greater than the angels, He is more faithful than Moses, and only His blood has the power to take away sin. Hebrews reminds us to look to Jesus and faithfully run the race He has called us to.
