We're All in RecoveryУзор

We're All in Recovery


Dependence Is the Only Way

There’s one thing Satan and his demonic forces don’t want us to discover about discipleship—the secret to change that lasts a lifetime. Here’s the single most important thing I’ve learned about true and sustained life change: people who follow Jesus in the same way they were saved by Him—broken, humble, and entirely dependent—always win!

Let me give you two promises:

  1. If you attempt to make changes in your life in your own strength, you will fail.
  2. If you embrace your weaknesses and join God, you will prevail.

Humility is not a sidebar. When we feel crushed by our sin, underwhelmed with ourselves, and overcome by God’s grace, we are positioned for a radical revolution to begin. The only challenge is that we’re not naturally wired for humility. Everything we’ve learned in life has taught us that greatness is reached by climbing, but this belief leaves us reaching and striving and completely exhausted.

God’s plan for greatness is totally unique, and everyone can get a piece of the action. That’s because it’s not about climbing; it’s about descending! Here’s God’s plan for greatness: “Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18:4).

It’s this simple. In God’s economy, self-actualization, self-determination, self-gratification, and most of the other “self-ations” have no place at the table of true greatness. This is for one simple reason: the people who experience God’s promises have found that a Christ-dependence beats self-dependence every single day.

Want true greatness? Don't settle another day for the best life you can make for yourself. God has more. Realize your need for someone bigger, stronger, and yes, greater than you. Become the child and disciple of God you are. Reach out to Him from a posture of need, and witness Him fill you up with all He has.


  • Confess your pride to God. Ask for Him to grow humility in your life.
  • Ask God to reveal to you any areas of your life where you have been too prideful to seek His help. Come to Him in dependence and He will show you the next steps.

This study is adapted from the book, The 7 Resolutions: Where Self-Help Ends and God’s Power Begins by Karl Clauson. Living as a disciple of Jesus is a long game. Take The 7 Resolutions assessment to find out where you need to focus your spiritual training. https://www.7resolutions.com/assessment

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We're All in Recovery

We are usually impressed by inspirational stories of dramatic, overnight transformation, but living as a disciple of Jesus is a long game. We are all broken people. No one has arrived. We’re all in recovery! This four-day study will help you break the sin-repent cycle so you can truly experience the transformation God has promised us through salvation.
