We're All in RecoveryУзор

We're All in Recovery


Change Starts Small

Greek poet Archilochus put life change in terms we can quickly grasp: “We don't rise to the level of our expectations; we fall to the level of our training.”

It’s true! Set all the lofty goals you want, but if your habits and routines are shaky and your systems are broken, you’ll never reach escape velocity, and you'll always fall back to earth. But resolve to train yourself in God’s power, bit by bit, day by day, and you’ll be amazed.

Living as a disciple of Jesus is a long game. Transformation happens in small increments over weeks, months, and years of depending on the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. My bride, Junanne, is not a natural runner. As a matter of fact, she was a non-runner. But she completed two marathons with small healthy habits. Imagine spending just twelve minutes every day reading the Scriptures. In one year, you will have read the entire Bible, learning things about God that will give you wisdom and strength for the long haul.

Here’s another example: You can desire to overcome disabling negative thinking, but without the habit of renewing your mind with truth, you’ll be stuck indefinitely. However, when you take the time to memorize a few key verses of what God says about you, rinse your mind with these truths, recite these truths aloud daily, and repeat this for as many months as necessary, you’ll be cleansed of these negative thoughts. And you’ll find your whole life conforming to these truths as well—not only deepening your understanding of who you are but also seeing dramatic shifts in the way you relate to God and others.

What small habits can you begin to implement today as a way of leaning into your identity as a disciple? Working through a reading plan and committing to reading Scripture every day is a great start! How about praying each morning instead of just picking up your phone right away? Maybe you want to look into joining a small group at your church so you can spend more time with other disciples. Pick one small thing, surrender your effort to God, and let the transformation begin!


  • Ask God to bring to your mind and heart one small habit you can begin to implement as you lean into your disciple identity.
  • Make a plan to start and tell a trusted friend or family member your intentions. Ask them to follow up in a week or two to see how your new habit is working.
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We're All in Recovery

We are usually impressed by inspirational stories of dramatic, overnight transformation, but living as a disciple of Jesus is a long game. We are all broken people. No one has arrived. We’re all in recovery! This four-day study will help you break the sin-repent cycle so you can truly experience the transformation God has promised us through salvation.
