Pause: A Month of Prayer in Five Minutes a Dayعينة

Pause: A Month of Prayer in Five Minutes a Day

يوم 15 من إجمالي 30


“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Phil. 4:6)


When it comes to morning prayer, I literally try to roll out of bed onto my knees.

I start first by asking God to help guide me and keep me sober throughout the upcoming day. Then, I incorporate whatever else might be on my mind, heart, or spirit for that day.

If you have a problem remembering to start your day in prayer, here’s a tip: put your phone UNDER your side of the bed so you have to roll out of bed to get to it to turn off your alarm. While you’re down there, say a prayer!

You could also put a reminder on your phone when you wake up or tape a reminder to the inside of your bedroom door. You can even laminate prayers and stick them to the walls of your shower! I’ve done this… a lot.

Morning prayer can change the course of your day. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to ensure this is a priority in my morning routine. I have no shame in my prayer game.



How’s your prayer life in the mornings? Is there anything you need to do to strengthen it? What steps can you take?


Listen to “Faithful Now” by Vertical Worship


Jesus, thanks for this wonderful day you made for me. Let me rejoice and be glad in it today. Amen.

يوم 14يوم 16

عن هذه الخطة

Pause: A Month of Prayer in Five Minutes a Day

Depression. Loneliness. Comparison. Greed. Addiction. People-pleasing. These are tools of the enemy to steal your calling and rob your joy. In this reading plan, drawn from his book, Lance Lang invites you to neutralize those tools by pausing each day, studying scripture, reading encouragement, taking action, and refocusing your attention on Jesus. Press forward into what God has for you. Press pause.
