Pause: A Month of Prayer in Five Minutes a Dayعينة

Pause: A Month of Prayer in Five Minutes a Day

يوم 19 من إجمالي 30


“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” (Phil. 4:6)


Routine is super-important for a life of discipleship, but all the routines in the world won’t help you if you don’t prioritize the various parts of that routine.

And your number-one priority, according to Jesus, is to seek God’s Kingdom first and foremost. One way is to follow the instructions found in our verse this quarter and go to God in every situation. Not some, not half, not a few—ALL!

God's invitation to come to Him with everything is sitting in your inbox. Open it!

When your relationship with God is your priority, everything else in your routine falls into place! When you learn to trust Him with every part of your life, all those parts seem less worrisome.

Let the Kingdom of God fill your view.


Prioritize your routine and make sure God is at the top, the bottom, and infused throughout.


Listen to “Upon This Rock” by The Met Collective


Jesus, you’re my number-one priority in life. Fill my vision today so I can see my world as you see it. Help me stay committed to the spiritual rhythms I implement in my life. You are my light, and you are my hope. I commit my day to you. Amen.

يوم 18يوم 20

عن هذه الخطة

Pause: A Month of Prayer in Five Minutes a Day

Depression. Loneliness. Comparison. Greed. Addiction. People-pleasing. These are tools of the enemy to steal your calling and rob your joy. In this reading plan, drawn from his book, Lance Lang invites you to neutralize those tools by pausing each day, studying scripture, reading encouragement, taking action, and refocusing your attention on Jesus. Press forward into what God has for you. Press pause.
