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Hope in the Stormعينة

Hope in the Storm

يوم 3 من إجمالي 3


There’s so much pain in the world that we can’t escape. I wish we could.

We are hurt, and we hurt others. Sickness comes to us and to people we love, and even death. And the sadness causes us great grief.

God is called the Father of all compassion, who comforts us in our troubles. Have you known this about God?

The word “comfort” means a call, urging, done by someone close beside. This image astounds me that the God of this world would come close beside me with an urging of encouragement.

When you know God, one of the most beautiful aspects of who He is, is that He is a God of comfort. Have you tasted this? I can testify that His comfort is real. It is present. It is mysterious and absolutely beautiful and life-changing.

يوم 2

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Hope in the Storm

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