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Hope in the Stormعينة

Hope in the Storm

يوم 1 من إجمالي 3


Listen to this verse in the book of Hebrews. The Message version says: “We have run for our very lives to God.”

Some of us have stories of living very far from God and living a life of self-destruction. But we had a moment, a season, where we ran to God for our lives because we knew our future was tragically dark.

Maybe you have never run to Him. Maybe you continue to keep yourself at arm’s length out of doubt, or fear, out of past hurts that cause you to be uncertain, even about His goodness.

Can I encourage you today? Run to Him. Take hold of all that He has to offer you. He offers you hope because His love is big and powerful, and His love is able to save you. Always remember, there is hope with God.

يوم 2

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