

يوم 12 من إجمالي 30

We know that prayer is a powerful thing. Through prayer, we have a direct line of communication with God. It’s a connection we can use to not only let Him know of the things happening in our lives but also the things we want to ask of Him. When it comes to praying for a friend or family member we love, we are all too happy to use that line of communication on their behalf. Of course, we want the best for the people we love the most. But what about the people that we don’t find so easy to love? The people who drive us crazy just a little bit every day? Or even those that we don’t want to spend time with because they don’t bring out the best in us? When it comes to praying for those people in our lives, it can be a bit more difficult. But when we truly love people, even the people who we don’t necessarily get along with, we are called to bring them before the Lord in prayer.

On your own today, think of a person in your life whom you may sometimes struggle to love. Say just a one-sentence prayer for this person. It does not have to be long or too personal; just start with a general prayer and build from there. Let it change your heart toward that person, even if the relationship doesn’t change with it.

يوم 11يوم 13

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An influencer has the ability to change our minds or make us try something new. And while we may think of an influencer as someone with millions of followers, the reality is we don’t need a big audience to be an influencer. In fact, God calls each one of us to be an influencer for good. In this devotional, we’ll see all the ways God has used people—even the unexpected people—to have an amazing influence on others.
