The Noble Experimentናሙና

I used to be one of those people who loved to gossip. Nothing got my heart pumping like learning and sharing information about other people. I knew it could be hurtful, but I did it anyway.
As Jesus' followers, part of how we show that we love Him is by being like Him. While He was on Earth, Jesus always loved others and never hurt anybody by sharing their secrets. As we learn more about Jesus, we should try our hardest to follow His example. We should look at the things Jesus did while He was on Earth and try to copy the way He loved others.
It took a long time, but eventually, I learned how to stop gossiping. When I began to follow Jesus’ example, my relationship with Him grew, and I was able to trust and love Him more.
Try to think about something you do that may not be loving like Jesus. Then, ask Him to teach you how to be more like Him so that you can demonstrate His love to the world.
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A high school devotional designed to help students understand what it looks like to live with integrity. In this devotional, you’ll find wisdom to guide you toward understanding what integrity means, how Jesus models it for us, and what it means to lead with it in your choices, actions, relationships, and more.