The Noble Experimentናሙና

Do you influence the people around you? Or are you more influenced by other people? The people speaking to Jesus recognized His integrity. He wasn’t swayed by popularity, expectations, status, or appearances. Instead, He focused on what was important to Him: teaching God’s truth. Living with integrity means honoring God and yourself more than what others might think of you. And it’s the example Jesus gave us in all He did and said on Earth.
Today, decide to be an influence instead of being influenced by the crowd. Whether it’s choosing kindness or making a wise decision, people will notice your consistency and integrity. Over time, your example can inspire others to choose the same.
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A high school devotional designed to help students understand what it looks like to live with integrity. In this devotional, you’ll find wisdom to guide you toward understanding what integrity means, how Jesus models it for us, and what it means to lead with it in your choices, actions, relationships, and more.