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Consecration - 14 Days of Prayer & Fastingናሙና

Consecration - 14 Days of Prayer & Fasting

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Seeking Stillness | Ps Keren Batson

“Quiet! Be still!” Mark 4:39

Mark 4:35-41 teaches us profound lessons about stillness. The disciples' initial reaction in the storm was fear and panic. Like them, we often face storms in our lives—moments of uncertainty and fear. Yet, Jesus shows us that even in the midst of chaos, we can find peace and security when we trust in God's sovereignty. He is in control of the storm and can bring calm to any situation.

While the disciples were frantic, Jesus was at peace, asleep in the boat. His calm posture amidst the storm demonstrates the power of resting in God’s presence. In our own lives, cultivating stillness involves surrendering our anxieties and fears to God, trusting that He will provide comfort and guidance.

Jesus' command over the elements—rebuking the wind and waves—reveals His divine authority. He has power over nature, over our circumstances, and over the storms of life. When we acknowledge His authority and submit to His will, we can experience His peace that surpasses all understanding.

Jesus gently rebukes His disciples for their lack of faith, asking, "Why are you so afraid? Do you still have no faith?" Their fear overshadowed their faith in Jesus' ability to protect and save them. Similarly, our fears often diminish our faith in God’s promises. Yet, as we nurture our faith through prayer, scripture, and stillness in His presence, we can overcome fear and experience the peace that only Christ can give.

Ultimately, the story in Mark 4:35-41 invites us to embrace stillness—not just the absence of noise, but a state of inner peace and trust in God’s providence. In the midst of life's storms, let us remember that Jesus is with us in the boat. He invites us to come to Him, to find rest and peace, and to trust in His power and love. As we anchor ourselves in Him, may we experience the profound stillness that transforms fear into faith and chaos into calmness.

Prayer Focus:

  • Spend time in worship, focusing your attention on Jesus
  • Remain quiet before God, even turning off any worship music you may be playing and sit in silence. As you make stillness a habit, you’ll find that the things that overwhelm you can come under submission to the peace of God, and regardless of the storm around you, there can be peace within you
  • Continue this practice, even for a few minutes throughout your day as you need

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Consecration - 14 Days of Prayer & Fasting

“Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5. Over the next 14 days, we are preparing our hearts & spirits for revival. Revival calls us to return to our first love, to rekindle the fire of devotion, and to seek the face of God with fervent prayer & repentance. Join us as we pray and fast, consecrating ourselves before God to seek His will.
