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Consecration - 14 Days of Prayer & Fastingናሙና

Consecration - 14 Days of Prayer & Fasting

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What are you expecting from Conference? | Pastors Tony & Michelle Peak

Sometimes we can look at our situations and they may seem impossible. Maybe you have invested time and energy but it seems like nothing is happening. Maybe you’re feeling dry spiritually and you don’t know what to do. God is the God of the breakthrough! He can take what looks like dry, scattered bones, bring them together and turn them into a mighty army, carrying the breath of His spirit, full of life and energy.

The prophet Ezekiel finds himself in the middle of a valley full of dry bones and it’s here that God speaks to Ezekiel and challenges his perspective by asking him if the bones can live. Ezekial’s response is simply, ‘O Lord, only you know’. But God sees things differently than we do. When all the prophet could see was dry bones, God saw something else, and He tells Ezekiel to prophesy the breath of life over the scattered bones. Sure enough, there was the sound of rattling and of bones coming together and there stood up a mighty army, full of the Spirit of God.

Can you imagine what it would look like for hundreds of people coming together for one purpose, to pursue Jesus, hear His voice, and worship Him together? This to us looks like revival. It looks like an environment where the Spirit of God would come and breathe new life upon His people, fill them afresh and prepare them to be released into their world as the mighty army of God. Just imagine the breakthroughs that could happen in you, your family, your friends and your community, when you position yourself for God’s Spirit to move powerfully!

Prayer Focus:

  • Spend time in worship, focusing your attention on Jesus
  • Ask the Holy Spirit to increase your faith and expectation for conference
  • Write down your expectations so that you can pray over them and add to them as we continue in our prayer and fasting season. This may also include scriptures or prophetic words that God gives you.

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Consecration - 14 Days of Prayer & Fasting

“Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.” Joshua 3:5. Over the next 14 days, we are preparing our hearts & spirits for revival. Revival calls us to return to our first love, to rekindle the fire of devotion, and to seek the face of God with fervent prayer & repentance. Join us as we pray and fast, consecrating ourselves before God to seek His will.
