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Unlikely Heroes in the New Testamentናሙና

Unlikely Heroes in the New Testament

ቀን {{ቀን}} ከ7

Day 4: The Man with the Legion of Demons

Spiritual oppression is a reality today, just as it was during Jesus’s life. Spiritual oppression occurs when we fall into sin which traps us in bondage. When this happens, in the worst cases, it leaves us as shells of the person that we once were, with little hope for freedom. Fortunately, Jesus not only offers us forgiveness, but He also calls us higher, and has the power to deliver us from this oppression. Our response is to tell the world of the amazing and wonderful things He has done in our lives.

This was the case for the man tormented by a legion of demons, living naked among the tombs and cutting himself with sharp rocks. His life seemed hopeless, yet one day while Jesus was on one side of the Sea of Galilee, He was led by the Spirit to cross the sea. On the other side is where Jesus met the man with the legion of demons. Upon Jesus’ arrival, the man ran up to Jesus, and worshipped Him. Jesus commanded the demons to leave the man, sending them into a huge herd of pigs. Instantly, the power of God was made manifest, and the man was restored to his right mind, promptly clothed himself and sat at the feet of Jesus. His first desire was to follow Jesus.

However, God had other things in store. Jesus instructed the man to return home and tell how much God had done for him. The man obeyed, going throughout the Decapolis and telling everyone what Jesus had done. His testimony prepared the region to receive Jesus later. The next time Decapolis is mentioned in the gospels, thousands of people flock to see and touch Jesus, which sets the scene for the feeding of the 4,000 (Mark 8:1-9). The man delivered from demons listened to the instructions of Jesus, and as a result, an entire region searched for and saw the power of God.

Key takeaway: The power of Jesus brings complete restoration, and this testimony can change an entire region.

Reflection: How has Jesus restored you? Is there someone you know that needs to hear about this? If so, share it with them today.

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ቀን 3ቀን 5

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Unlikely Heroes in the New Testament

Remarkably, God chooses to use unlikely people. This devotional plan explores the stories of unlikely heroes from the New Testament, highlighting how God often chooses the least expected individuals to fulfill His purposes. Through examining the lives of Paul, the woman at the well, and others, this plan reveals themes of faith, transformation, and divine purpose.
