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Unlikely Heroes in the New Testamentናሙና

Unlikely Heroes in the New Testament

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Day 3: The Woman at the Well

Often, the choices we make have negative consequences on our lives and how others view us. While the world is quick to hold onto judgement and mistakes, Jesus offers us a different way, a way full of grace, mercy, and love. In other words, when the world says our mistakes and our past make us unworthy for the call of service, Jesus says the opposite: He will use our mistakes for His glory.

The Samaritan woman at the well had a complicated past, marked by multiple marriages and social ostracism. She came to a well to draw water at mid-day, the hottest part of the day, perhaps because she was not welcome during the cool morning hours. As she approached the well, where she had drawn water from hundreds of times, she saw a Jewish rabbi sitting there – seemingly waiting for someone.

As she arrived, Jesus asked her for a drink, breaking cultural and societal barriers. The uncertainty in her voice – first to be talking to a Jewish person and nonetheless a man – could be seen as they talked. Yet Jesus, in His kind and loving way, had a reason for asking her every question. As their conversation progressed, Jesus gave her an incredible revelation of His identity: that He is the Messiah and offered her "living water" (John 4:10). As she accepted this truth - that the Messiah Himself would choose to come to her, accept her as she was, and reveal Himself to her - she was instantly transformed.

Upon having this life altering interaction, the woman left her water jar and went back to her town, proclaiming, "Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?" (John 4:29). When the town’s people saw her sincerity and the profound change in her demeanor, they were intrigued and came out to see what she was talking about. Despite what the people in the town thought of her, this woman’s boldness in sharing her experience with Jesus led many Samaritans to believe in Jesus, demonstrating the power of a personal encounter with Christ.

Key takeaway: The woman at the well highlights that no matter one’s past, an encounter with Jesus leads to a powerful testimony that draws others to Him.

Reflection: Are there areas in your life that Jesus has transformed? Share your story with someone today and watch how it can impact those around you.

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Unlikely Heroes in the New Testament

Remarkably, God chooses to use unlikely people. This devotional plan explores the stories of unlikely heroes from the New Testament, highlighting how God often chooses the least expected individuals to fulfill His purposes. Through examining the lives of Paul, the woman at the well, and others, this plan reveals themes of faith, transformation, and divine purpose.
