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Generosity and the Psalmsናሙና

Generosity and the Psalms

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Generosity is a Taste of the Goodness of God

At the heart of Psalm 34 is David’s boast of the goodness and faithfulness of God. With rich imagery, he expresses gratitude and worship to God and punctuates his praise with repeated invitations for others to join in. As we look closely at this psalm, we find a compelling call to let our gratitude and worship of God overflow into acts of generosity.

David begins Psalm 34 by recounting his testimony of God’s goodness in his life. This opening sets the tone as we approach a pinnacle verse to the psalm: "Taste and see that the Lord is good" (Psalm 34:8). David flings the gates of his testimony wide open and generously invites us in to experience the goodness of God with him.

When we recognize the depth of God's generosity towards us, our natural response is to extend that generosity to others. Our giving becomes part of our worship, a tangible expression of our gratitude for all that God has done.

Generosity is not just a duty but a joyful response to God's abundant blessings. David's assurance in verse 10 that "those who seek the Lord lack no good thing" (Psalm 34:10) reassures us that our needs will be met as we trust in God. This trust frees us from the fear of scarcity and moves us to joy-fueled generosity.

Paul encourages us to joy-fueled generosity in 2 Corinthians 9:7 where he says, “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Our generosity should flow from a heart of gratitude, not obligation, reflecting the joy we find in God's provision and love.

As you reflect on Psalm 34, let it inspire you to view generosity as an extension of your gratitude and worship. Let your giving be a celebration of God's goodness, a testament to His provision and an act of worship that honours Him. In doing so, your generosity will give others a taste of the goodness of God.

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Generosity and the Psalms

As Christians, we know it’s important to be generous. But sometimes, we feel stuck in our fears, our doubts and our lack of understanding of its importance. We wonder: What if I don’t have enough for my family? Where do I even start? In this study of Psalms, you will learn more about what this book has to say about some of your biggest questions when it comes to generosity.
