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Generosity and the Psalmsናሙና

Generosity and the Psalms

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God's Protection for the Generous

For many of us, being generous sounds like a good idea—in theory. But when the rubber hits the road, we have a pile of fears that stack up like boxes in front of us. They act as a barrier between us and our action.

Maybe for you, the fear of being generous presents itself as doubts cycling through your head: How will I be able to support my family if I am generous? What about my rent or mortgage? What will I have to give up in order to be generous?

These fears are normal and valid. After all, we do live in a culture marked by busy and fast-paced lives. There is always somewhere to be or something to buy. Sometimes spare time and spare money feel hard to come by.

Amidst all the fears and doubts that float through our heads, Psalm 112 serves as a balm to our anxious minds and hearts. It tells us that even in dark times, there will be light for those who are full of grace and compassion. It reminds us that good will come to those who are generous and lend freely and that those who are righteous and generous will be remembered forever. They will not be shaken—their foundation will be firm.

We read that the righteous acts of those who give freely to the poor have lasting and eternal value, enduring forever. Their horn will be lifted high in honour. The raised horn in the Bible is a common symbol of victory, especially for someone being rescued from oppression.

What incredible promises we have to stand on in the light of our fears! What a firm promise of protection! Let each of these promises of God’s security kick down the barriers that stop you from living a life of generosity.

Take a moment to write down the fears that stop you from living generously. Beside your fears, write down the promises of God’s protection that you read about in today’s psalm. Commit to meditating on these promises when fear stops you from following the Holy Spirit’s nudge to be generous.

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Generosity and the Psalms

As Christians, we know it’s important to be generous. But sometimes, we feel stuck in our fears, our doubts and our lack of understanding of its importance. We wonder: What if I don’t have enough for my family? Where do I even start? In this study of Psalms, you will learn more about what this book has to say about some of your biggest questions when it comes to generosity.
