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THRIVE Mom Devotional Series Part 3: A Mom's Guide to Navigating Friendships to ThriveSample

THRIVE Mom Devotional Series Part 3: A Mom's Guide to Navigating Friendships to Thrive

DAY 3 OF 5

Day 3: Friends For Purpose: Mom Edition

Hey there, fabulous moms! Get ready to put on your friendship hats, and join me on a wild and fun adventure. It's time to talk about friends for a purpose! Woohoo!

You know what? Two heads are better than one, just like the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 4:9-12. It's like having a dynamic duo of awesomeness! When you have a friend by your side, you can conquer the world together. They've got your back, and you've got theirs. When one falls, the other swoops in like a superhero to lend a helping hand. That's what true friendship is all about!

God has this amazing knack for bringing friends into our lives for different reasons and in various seasons. Some friendships are for a short time, like a sprinkle of confetti, brightening our days and adding that extra sparkle. Others are there for the long haul, through thick and thin, like a triple-braided cord that can't easily be broken. They're the ones who warm our hearts and keep us strong.

Take a look at the Bible, my friend. It's packed with epic friendships that teach us valuable lessons. Jonathan and David? Talk about loyalty and love that would make superheroes jealous! Ruth and Naomi? They showed us what it means to stick together and be faithful through it all. These friendships had a purpose, and they left a lasting impact.

But wait, there's more! Jesus himself showed us the ultimate friendship. He laid down his life for us because that's how much He loves us. His friendship with us has a purpose too. It's not just about warm fuzzies and happy moments. No, it's about accomplishing great things together, like a dream team that can change the world.

So, this week, as you dive into God's Word, keep your friendship radar on high alert. Pay attention to the relationships God brings your way. They're there for a reason, mama! They're there to build you up, to strengthen your faith, to hold you accountable, to share wisdom, and to be that rock-solid shoulder to lean on.

And while you're at it, don't forget about the most amazing friendship of all—Jesus and you. Let your heart soak in the love and grace he offers. Take a moment to bask in his presence and experience the joy of being his friend. Trust me, it's the best friendship you'll ever have!

So, let's embrace the purposeful friendships God brings our way. Let's be the kind of friends who lift each other up, who inspire and encourage one another. Together, we can accomplish incredible things and make a difference in this world. Are you ready, mama? Let's do this!

And now, let's say a prayer:

Dear Lord,

Thank you for the gift of friendship. We are grateful for the friends you bring into our lives, for the purpose they serve, and the impact they have on us. Help us to be intentional in our friendships, to build each other up, and to be the kind of friends that reflect your love and grace.

As we read your Word and learn from biblical friendships, give us fresh insight and understanding. Show us how to be loyal, loving, and faithful friends like Jonathan, David, Ruth, and Naomi. And above all, help us to experience the greatest friendship ever—your friendship, Jesus.

May our friendships be filled with joy, laughter, and support. May they be a source of strength and encouragement in both the good times and the challenging moments. And may we, together with our friends, accomplish great things for your kingdom.

In Jesus' name, we pray.


Now, go out there and be a friend on a mission, spreading love, laughter, and a whole lot of fun. You've got this, mama!

High-five and cheers to friendship!

Day 2Day 4