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ቀን {{ቀን}} ከ25

Love Gets Refilled

The greatest aspect of God’s love that I think of so often is His incredible Father’s heart towards us, His children. He loves us entirely, wholeheartedly, and actually delights in us.

As an older parent now, one with grandchildren as well, there is absolutely nothing that I would not do for my children and grandchildren. I so enjoy just being with my adult children. Nothing warms my heart more than to see them as the amazing parents they’ve become. I know that what I feel is just a “smidgen” of my Heavenly Father’s heart. When I am tempted to be so hard on myself, He encourages me that He knows my heart and accepts my feeble attempts to live for Him. He wants so much more for us than we can even imagine, and gave us His precious Son, His most valuable treasure, to express His love to us.

I love that I can sit in His presence and He will fill me up with His love—I don’t have to fabricate some kind of outward showing to express it—He will fill me with His love, so I can be led by His Spirit in how to show genuine love to others when I feel so inadequate. Romans 5:5 says, “Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

Throughout this next year, rely on His love. This will come from time spent in His Word and in His presence in prayer; receive the help you need to love those difficult people in your life—we all have them!


Dear God, You are love. Pour your love into my heart by Your Spirit today. May I be a vessel for Your love to flow through to reach the hearts of others. Show me in every situation today how I can respond with your love so that others may see You in me. In Jesus’ Name, AMEN.

By: Pastor Sue Bryan

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