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ቀን {{ቀን}} ከ25

Love Looks Like Something

Jesus didn’t say, “Somebody might be able to figure it out,” but “Everyone will know.” Love is obvious to anyone with eyes because it looks like something.

I know my father loved us because he was not satisfied for his wife and six children to live in the tiny and rickety two-bedroom parsonage the little church he pastored provided. My sister’s bedroom was the screened-in porch and my older brother and I slept in half of the garage—on beds he made. Then he developed and used the woodworking skills he learned from his dad to build us a big, beautiful four-bedroom house. And he showed me how to become a God-chaser.

I know my mother loved us because she saw what we needed and worked to get it for us, including food when we were hungry, clothes to keep us warm, songs to make us happy, band-aids to heal our bruises, and hugs to soothe our hurts. And she somehow stretched the few dollars they had to buy me, and the others, special presents for birthdays and Christmas, with self-denial and creativity. And she helped me feel the joy of singing praises to God.

Disciples don’t just study and think, they do stuff. They don’t just learn a lesson from their teacher, they imitate their master day after day. The more you become a disciple of Jesus, the more you will love your brothers and sisters in His family like He did. And the watching world will see it and be attracted to you, and to Him.


Help me so to live today that, when I lay my head on my pillow tonight, another follower of Jesus will have felt the love of Jesus for them through me.

By: Pastor Steve Kobernik

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