Psalms Streak: A Daily Devotional in the Psalmsናሙና

Psalms Streak: A Daily Devotional in the Psalms

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Sub Plots

Be careful with this Psalm! Don’t sleep on this one! At first glance you might assume it’s like all the other songs of praise! But don’t miss it - this Psalm has a few subtle but vital sub-themes. Let’s check it out!

GO DEEP: Vs 1-3: What are we called to do? Look at it carefully - notice anything additional in these verses? We aren’t simply called to praise and give thanks ourselves, we are told to let the nations hear about all the our God does! Think about your situation for a minute – do you let others know about what God has been doing?
Vs 10: This one verse pulls together our two vital sub-themes in this Psalm of worship - what do the nations need to hear as we worship? Did you notice that the theme of God as the good judge is introduced? It comes up again twice in the last verse.
Vs 12-13: The Psalm ends with a picture of even the trees singing for joy before the Lord! That would be a worship session you wouldn’t want to miss! What reason is given in these verses for the heavens and the seas worshipping God? Is there someone God is telling you who needs to hear your stories of God at work? Who needs to hear that the Lord reigns and will one day judge the earth?

BE BOLD: Who needs to hear this? Who could you share it with?

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Psalms Streak: A Daily Devotional in the Psalms

Is it possible to remain unshakeable and focused despite the ups and downs that life throws at us? The Psalms give us some practical keys to living steady, strong and full of purpose. Share the plan with your small group and join TeenStreet as we unfold the book of Psalms!
