Psalms Streak: A Daily Devotional in the Psalmsናሙና

Psalms Streak: A Daily Devotional in the Psalms

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“People from every nation, clap your hands together. Shout aloud to God, with the sound of happy songs.” (EASY Translation) “Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy!” (ESV, English Standard Version)
“O clap your hands, all you people; Shout to God with the voice of triumph and songs of joy.” (AMP, Amplified) “Clap your hands for joy, all peoples! Praise God with loud songs!” (GNT, Good News Translation) “O clap your hands, all ye people; Shout unto God with the voice of triumph.” (KJV, King James Version) “Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy.” (NIV, New International Version) “Applause, everyone. Bravo, bravissimo! Shout God-songs at the top of your lungs!” (MSG, The Message) “Come, everyone! Clap your hands! Shout to God with joyful praise!” (NLT, New Living Translation) “Go ahead and celebrate! Come on and clap your hands, everyone! Shout to God with the raucous sounds of joy!” (TPT, The Passion Translation)

When was the last time you celebrated something? Was it a birthday? A graduation? A good grade? An accomplishment? What did you do? Did you decorate, make amazing food to share, SHOUT for joy?

Now when was the last time you celebrated God? Was it anything like celebrating a birthday party, graduation, or accomplishment? Did you decorate, eat good food, or SHOUT FOR JOY? Psalm 47 says, Go for it! Celebrate God. Spend time today thinking of something about God that deserves a SHOUT! Involve your small group or friends or do it alone. Don't save all of the celebrating for things on earth. Celebrate God today.

GO DEEP: What will you celebrate today? Who will you invite? What will you do (make sure at least one loud SHOUT is involved!)?

BE BOLD: Who needs to hear this? Who could you share it with?

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Psalms Streak: A Daily Devotional in the Psalms

Is it possible to remain unshakeable and focused despite the ups and downs that life throws at us? The Psalms give us some practical keys to living steady, strong and full of purpose. Share the plan with your small group and join TeenStreet as we unfold the book of Psalms!
