Psalms Streak: A Daily Devotional in the Psalmsናሙና

He Saves Those Who Love Him
Being a Christ follower doesn’t mean life will be easy. It doesn’t mean we will always get the best parking spot or always be in the prime of health. It doesn’t guarantee a smooth ride or comfort or safety, however we define those things. In fact, in Psalm 34:19 David clearly spells out that the godly are not immune to hard times and troubles. There is a lot going on there for him! He was being attacked and betrayed and gossiped about! Sound familiar?
Things aren't always going to go your way, either. Tell God about it! If you ever wondered if it is okay to complain to God, read this Psalm again and find your answer! The Father is a pretty amazing listener. But it also says that He rescues and defends. He will not let you be defeated by your circumstance. Whatever you are dealing with right now, spend time talking to God about it and, like David, ask Him to help.
GO DEEP: Do you trust God to provide or be all that you need?
BE BOLD: Who needs to hear this? Who could you share it with?
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Is it possible to remain unshakeable and focused despite the ups and downs that life throws at us? The Psalms give us some practical keys to living steady, strong and full of purpose. Share the plan with your small group and join TeenStreet as we unfold the book of Psalms!