Psalms Streak: A Daily Devotional in the Psalmsናሙና

Into the Light
Let’s take a wild stab in the dark here to say that chances are, you are more likely to walk into something or stub your toe in the dark than when it’s bright out. You’re also more likely to feel fear in a dark room than one filled with sunlight – we are not suggesting that you are afraid of the dark ;). Your mind can play tricks on you and might tell you much different things in the absence of light.
Psalm 36:1 – Sin speaks in the depths... There are some things we try to hide in the darkness. We don't always want to share our deepest fears or struggles with others, so we don't bring them out into the light. If we try to hide something in the depth in our souls and refuse to let the light of God in, we can be led astray to follow its urgings. But if we tune our hearts to God, allow Him to light up our souls with the revelation that comes only from Him, then we will truly see.
Psalm 36:9b -...Your light has opened our eyes and awakened our souls.
GO DEEP: What sin do you have “hidden” that herds you away from God’s goodness?
BE BOLD: Who needs to hear this? Who could you share it with?
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Is it possible to remain unshakeable and focused despite the ups and downs that life throws at us? The Psalms give us some practical keys to living steady, strong and full of purpose. Share the plan with your small group and join TeenStreet as we unfold the book of Psalms!