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Ezra 2:40-58

Ezra 2:1-58 The Message (MSG)

These are the people from the province who now returned from the captivity, exiles whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had carried off captive. They returned to Jerusalem and Judah, each to his hometown. They came in company with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Seraiah, Reelaiah, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispar, Bigvai, Rehum, and Baanah. The numbers of the returning Israelites by families of origin were as follows: Parosh, 2,172 Shephatiah, 372 Arah, 775 Pahath-Moab (sons of Jeshua and Joab), 2,812 Elam, 1,254 Zattu, 945 Zaccai, 760 Bani, 642 Bebai, 623 Azgad, 1,222 Adonikam, 666 Bigvai, 2,056 Adin, 454 Ater (sons of Hezekiah), 98 Bezai, 323 Jorah, 112 Hashum, 223 Gibbar, 95. Israelites identified by place of origin were as follows: Bethlehem, 123 Netophah, 56 Anathoth, 128 Azmaveth, 42 Kiriath Jearim, Kephirah, and Beeroth, 743 Ramah and Geba, 621 Micmash, 122 Bethel and Ai, 223 Nebo, 52 Magbish, 156 Elam (the other one), 1,254 Harim, 320 Lod, Hadid, and Ono, 725 Jericho, 345 Senaah, 3,630. Priestly families: Jedaiah (sons of Jeshua), 973 Immer, 1,052 Pashhur, 1,247 Harim, 1,017. Levitical families: Jeshua and Kadmiel (sons of Hodaviah), 74. Singers: Asaph’s family line, 128. Security guard families: Shallum, Ater, Talmon, Akkub, Hatita, and Shobai, 139. Families of temple support staff: Ziha, Hasupha, Tabbaoth, Keros, Siaha, Padon, Lebanah, Hagabah, Akkub, Hagab, Shalmai, Hanan, Giddel, Gahar, Reaiah, Rezin, Nekoda, Gazzam, Uzza, Paseah, Besai, Asnah, Meunim, Nephussim, Bakbuk, Hakupha, Harhur, Bazluth, Mehida, Harsha, Barkos, Sisera, Temah, Neziah, and Hatipha. Families of Solomon’s servants: Sotai, Hassophereth, Peruda, Jaala, Darkon, Giddel, Shephatiah, Hattil, Pokereth-Hazzebaim, and Ami. Temple support staff and Solomon’s servants added up to 392.

Ezra 2:40-58 King James Version (KJV)

The Levites: the children of Jeshua and Kadmiel, of the children of Hodaviah, seventy and four. The singers: the children of Asaph, an hundred twenty and eight. The children of the porters: the children of Shallum, the children of Ater, the children of Talmon, the children of Akkub, the children of Hatita, the children of Shobai, in all an hundred thirty and nine. The Nethinims: the children of Ziha, the children of Hasupha, the children of Tabbaoth, the children of Keros, the children of Siaha, the children of Padon, the children of Lebanah, the children of Hagabah, the children of Akkub, the children of Hagab, the children of Shalmai, the children of Hanan, the children of Giddel, the children of Gahar, the children of Reaiah, the children of Rezin, the children of Nekoda, the children of Gazzam, the children of Uzza, the children of Paseah, the children of Besai, the children of Asnah, the children of Mehunim, the children of Nephusim, the children of Bakbuk, the children of Hakupha, the children of Harhur, the children of Bazluth, the children of Mehida, the children of Harsha, the children of Barkos, the children of Sisera, the children of Thamah, the children of Neziah, the children of Hatipha. The children of Solomon's servants: the children of Sotai, the children of Sophereth, the children of Peruda, the children of Jaalah, the children of Darkon, the children of Giddel, the children of Shephatiah, the children of Hattil, the children of Pochereth of Zebaim, the children of Ami. All the Nethinims, and the children of Solomon's servants, were three hundred ninety and two.

Ezra 2:40-58 American Standard Version (ASV)

The Levites: the children of Jeshua and Kadmiel, of the children of Hodaviah, seventy and four. The singers: the children of Asaph, a hundred twenty and eight. The children of the porters: the children of Shallum, the children of Ater, the children of Talmon, the children of Akkub, the children of Hatita, the children of Shobai, in all a hundred thirty and nine. The Nethinim: the children of Ziha, the children of Hasupha, the children of Tabbaoth, the children of Keros, the children of Siaha, the children of Padon, the children of Lebanah, the children of Hagabah, the children of Akkub, the children of Hagab, the children of Shamlai, the children of Hanan, the children of Giddel, the children of Gahar, the children of Reaiah, the children of Rezin, the children of Nekoda, the children of Gazzam, the children of Uzza, the children of Paseah, the children of Besai, the children of Asnah, the children of Meunim, the children of Nephisim, the children of Bakbuk, the children of Hakupha, the children of Harhur, the children of Bazluth, the children of Mehida, the children of Harsha, the children of Barkos, the children of Sisera, the children of Temah, the children of Neziah, the children of Hatipha. The children of Solomon’s servants: the children of Sotai, the children of Hassophereth, the children of Peruda, the children of Jaalah, the children of Darkon, the children of Giddel, the children of Shephatiah, the children of Hattil, the children of Pochereth-hazzebaim, the children of Ami. All the Nethinim, and the children of Solomon’s servants, were three hundred ninety and two.