Advent: Christus Kom!Voorbeeld

Advent: Christ Is Coming!

DAG 41 VAN 91

LIGHT THE CANDLE We are awaiting the Messiah! Did you think of yourself more sheep-ly today? READ THE SCRIPTURE A Savior King is Coming! Zechariah 9:9-11 RESPOND IN WORSHIP Worship with Your Life Man cannot keep God's law, His righteous covenant. Blood must be shed in order for sins to be forgiven. Spend some time confessing your sins and thank God for the blood of the covenant that rescues from the pit. Worship with Prayer Use the Scripture to adore, confess, praise, and thank God. Worship with Song Sing, "Joy to the World!"
Dag 40Dag 42

Aangaande hierdie leesplan

Advent: Christ Is Coming!

Hierdie Advent-dagstuk is afkomstig van Thistlebend Ministries en is geskik vir gesinne of individue wat hulle harte wil voorberei om die Messias te vier. Dit fokus spesifiek op Christus se koms en wat dit deesdae vir ons beteken. Begin verkieslik op 1 Desember. Mag jou gesin ewigdurende herinneringe skep terwyl julle hierdie gids gebruik. Die Vader se standvastige verbondsliefde vir elkeen van julle sal openbaar word.


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