Real Hope: Why Jesus Came to EarthVoorbeeld

Real Hope: Why Jesus Came to Earth


For Abundance

How can you have more abundance in your life?

It begins with a mindset shift towards generosity. When life is seen through the lens of what we can offer to the world, it changes the way we live – a kind word to a stranger, offering a listening ear, or buying a drink or meal for a friend. We can be the movers and shakers of modeling what abundance looks like for others.

Abundance is not about giving to expect something in return. Abundance is also not about comparing ourselves to others.

We may feel that we can’t give because others have more than us, but that can lead to jealousy or judgment, and not abundance.

We may feel that we can’t give because others have less than us, but that can lead to guilt or unworthiness.

True abundance comes from knowing God’s outpouring of generosity to us – Jesus’ act of generosity in giving up His life as a ransom for many rewards us the abundance of eternal life and peace with God. We can never ever outgive our kind and generous God.

If you want abundance – stay wide, stay open, with hearts ready for generosity.

Written by LINDA LOU

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Real Hope: Why Jesus Came to Earth

I’m often overwhelmed at how much God loves us. His heart is for His people to have freedom and restoration, and He sent His Son to make a way for us. (To Do The Father's Work - Leila Armstrong).
