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Deeper Into Scripture: A 7-Day PlanVoorbeeld

Deeper Into Scripture: A 7-Day Plan


First Reading: Enter. As you read the passage of Scripture (John 1:1-13) for the first time, simply familiarizing yourself with the circumstances. What is God saying in this particular passage?

Second Reading: Impress. As you read (John 1:1-13) for the second time, notice what word or phrase jumps out at you or makes the biggest impression. Ask God to "impress" upon you what He wants you to see in this passage.

Third Reading: Pray. As you read this passage of Scripture (John 1:1-13) for the third time through, spend a few moments in prayer thanking and praising God for His holy word. As you read, be prayerfully asking God what He has for you in this Scripture.

Fourth Reading: Live. In this final reading of the passage (John 1:1-13), ask God to show you how He wants you to live based on this Scripture. Is there something He would have you start doing, stop doing, or continue doing?
Dag 2

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Deeper Into Scripture: A 7-Day Plan

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