Healing From a Past of Sexual SinVoorbeeld

Healing From a Past of Sexual Sin



1 Corinthians 6:16 says that sex joins two people. Matthew 5:28 says that if we have even looked with lust on another person, we have committed adultery with them in our heart. For those of us who have past nonmarital sexual partners or have a sexual dependency of some sort, is there any good news? Is there any way to separate what has been joined through sin?

I was once “one flesh” with those I had sex with. But Jesus’ blood made a way to separate what was once joined through sexual sin.

We were buried with Christ through baptism into death, raised with Christ to live a new life, and set free from sin (no longer one flesh with past sexual partners, but united with the Lord and one with Him in Spirit). (Romans 6:3-7)

My body does not belong to any previous sexual partner. My body does not belong to me! I was bought with a price by Christ; I am no longer my own. I am set apart, consecrated as a temple of the Holy Spirit! (1 Corinthians 6:18-20)

Talk with Jesus

If you are doing this plan alone, and don’t have anyone to pray with through this part, we strongly recommend that you ask God who you can pray with through these things.

  • Are there any people I became one flesh with? Name each person and forgive them and repent for sinning against their bodies too. (If you can’t remember each person, ask God to show you, and if you can’t remember, God knows! Trust Him to include any and all people in this prayer.) These intimate bonds that were formed through sexual sin, died with Christ in His death. You are free and are no longer one flesh with anyone.
  • Jesus, You also said that looking at a person lustfully is committing adultery with them in their heart (Matthew 5:28). Is there any area in my thought life where I have allowed sexual thoughts/fantasies to play out? As the Holy Spirit shows you, confess and be forgiven in all these areas. If you have had a lot of experiences/seen a lot of things, the mountain of memories can feel infinite. The idea of ever truly being free of them feels impossible. But, by His stripes, we are healed. Jesus’ blood shed for you and me has the power to heal every memory. His forgiveness washes over every single memory. Receive this, by faith!
  • Are there any other areas the Holy Spirit is leading me to confess and be forgiven (abortion, using or taking advantage of people, adultery, withholding forgiveness from a person)?

I love Psalm 51 so much; it shows us that everything can be washed, cleansed, renewed, restored through Christ.

Note: If at any point during this PureHeart Challenge you feel God showing you that you need deliverance, please follow his leading. If you have that available to you already, great. If you don't, please ask God to show you who to talk to about this. Jesus came to save, deliver, and heal! This is what is available to each and every one of us.

Prayer: As you read through these scriptures, pray in your own words from your heart. You can also write the prayer in your journal.

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Healing From a Past of Sexual Sin

Jesus has made the way for COMPLETE forgiveness, healing, cleansing, and freedom from any past. Hear testimony of this freedom, and receive it for yourself. In Christ, we are New Creations - the old has gone, and the new has come! This is PART 2 of the PureHeart Challenge – a 5-Part Bible Plan for men and women on the topic of sexuality and purity.
