The Love of God - the Plumb LineVoorbeeld

The Love of God - the Plumb Line


Everything starts and is built from this cornerstone, Jesus.

Our walk of faith begins with this truth, and it rests on this truth – Jesus loves us with an everlasting love. Before we can even worship God, we need to understand, remind ourselves of God's love, and daily preach the Gospel to ourselves. Doing this keeps us thankful, humble, and patient in situations. We are gracious in our interactions with others because we are aware of our frailties. I am very conscious of my own need for this.

God loves us.

What an amazing truth it is that God loves us! For some, faith in God has been an interaction with a distant God, a hard-to-please God, or a judging God. God's love is a plumb-line truth we need to keep reminding ourselves of. If not, we will drift into striving, people-pleasing, and trying to win God’s favour.

Why does He love us? Firstly, because God is love. It’s not that He is loving. The very essence of His being is LOVE. God created us for love. He chose to love us. Love does not exist in isolation. For love to be expressed, it requires a recipient. We were created to be recipients of His love. Adam and Eve's sin corrupted their hearts and broke their relationship with God. Since then, humankind has been objects of His wrath. But it does not end there.

The Bible tells us that before we could do anything to try and fix this problem (as some translations say, “while we were still powerless”), Christ died for us. Jesus took that wrath upon Himself on the Cross and restored peace between God and man. So, we have done nothing to earn or deserve it. Jesus did it all for us.

It’s one thing to say God loves His creation: the world and its people. It is a whole different thing when you say, know and experience the truth that God loves you!!


Do you know that you are loved unconditionally? Rejoice in this truth and thank God for His lavish love toward you.

Have you ever tried to earn God’s love? Today is a good day to change that behaviour and enjoy the love of God that is given freely to us.

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The Love of God - the Plumb Line

As we start the new year, there are some constants of which we need to be reminded. This 5-day reflection written by Navaz DCruz helps to remind us that the love of God is a constant and a plumbline we need to live by and adjust our lives.
