How to Survive the WaitVoorbeeld

How to Survive the Wait



Waiting on God is hard. This world says we should demand things be done our way, get it while the getting’s good, look out for #1. It promises overnight success and drive-thru dreams. Waiting is not a concept the world encourages or admires.

The first key to helping us survive the wait is to offer God all our praise. Psalms 34:1 says I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. No matter how things appear in this moment, there is always a reason to be grateful, and a grateful heart leads to a praising heart.

Raise your hand if you have ever prayed and then expected immediate answers. If we’re honest, most of us could raise our hands. We ask God to fix things, handle a situation, or change someone, and then we get disappointed when he doesn’t do it overnight. We want things when we want them, and our timeline is usually yesterday.

Instead of rushing God’s perfect process, let’s praise him while we wait. All the good things God wants to give us may not come in our timing. We can still give him glory even if we can’t see an answer yet. We can sing our broken hallelujahs though he hasn’t finished mending our hearts. We can worship him in the wait until the job, healing, or finances come through.

God wants his best for us. And while we wait on his plan, answers to our prayers, or timing, let’s praise God in that wait…however long it may be. His word says we should declare his splendor all day long (Psalms 71:8) while we trust his plan.

Worship, don’t worry.

Choose praise over panic.

Sing hallelujah instead of hurry.

God has a unique plan for each of us. We show we trust him by offering all our praise even when we can’t see anything changing.

Let our praise be our sacrifice that shakes the heavenlies!

Action: Put on your favorite worship song, read a Psalm, or write a gratitude list.

Prayer: Creator God, thank you for choosing me for this wait! Even if I can’t see anything change, I will praise your holy name. I give you all the glory. I trust you and your timing. You are Wonderful, Counselor, Everlasting God and I praise you for the gift of your Son, Jesus. Amen and amen.

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How to Survive the Wait

When you find yourself in the wait, don't despair! Though sometimes it is hard to understand God's timing, he always has a purpose for the delay. This five-day plan will encourage you as you work on the four keys to surviving your season of waiting. With God's help, when we praise, prepare, plant, and persist, the wait goes from obstacle to opportunity.
