Not Good Enough: A Study of God's Love for UsVoorbeeld

Not Good Enough: A Study of God's Love for Us


Day 2: How Good Is Good Enough?

By Pastor Javan Shashaty

As a kid, I was your typical “teacher’s pet.” I wanted to be the best that I could possibly be at everything I did! And that may sound honorable, but my motives were far from pure. I craved attention and wanted to please others at all costs. This led to a continuous pattern of good behavior followed by an inescapable feeling of emptiness. “What’s wrong with me? I’m doing everything right, aren’t I? If I’m doing the right things, then why do I feel like this?”

I'm sure many of you can relate to that feeling, and if so, you’ve decided to read the right Bible plan today. Hopefully, this plan will help you see the truth of the gospel, maybe in a new way.

You see, as a kid, I was trying to be good enough. I may not have said it like that at the time, but that’s exactly what I was doing. Now, you might ask: “Good enough for what or who?” I was trying to be good enough to please my parents, my friends, my teachers, my coaches, anyone who could possibly be pleased with me. But it wasn’t until I understood the gospel, the true gospel, that my life changed.

In Matthew 5, Jesus says that He has come not to abolish the law from the Old Testament, but to fulfill it. Then in verse 20, Jesus says this: “For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven.” What Jesus is saying is that the standard to enter the kingdom of heaven is absolute perfection, complete holiness and righteousness. How good is good enough? It doesn’t matter if you please your parents, your friends, or even your boss. The standard for heaven is perfection.

Now, I know that can sound hopeless... But stay with me here! Jesus said that to get the people’s attention! And I hope it gets our attention, too. If the standard of heaven is perfection, is anyone good enough? Can anyone possibly meet that standard and please God? YES! But remember this hard truth and reality: That person is not you!

Jesus said that He was the One who came to fulfill the law! He is the only human who has ever lived that met God’s standard of perfection. He lived a completely holy and righteous life because He was both fully human and fully divine. He met the standard. How good is good enough? The answer is only found in the person and work of Jesus Christ! Remember from yesterday...

We read Romans 3:23 (NIV), which said, "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." But look at Romans 3:24–25 (NIV): "All are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus. God presented Christ as a sacrifice of atonement, through the shedding of his blood—to be received by faith."

We read Romans 6:23 (NIV), which said, "For the wages of sin is death..." Now look at the rest of that passage: "But the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."

So, what does that mean for you and me? Find out tomorrow on day three…

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Not Good Enough: A Study of God's Love for Us

Have you ever felt like you were not good enough to deserve the love of God? What if I told you that was a great place to be? In this three-day study, you'll find out more about the God who loves people like us who can never be good enough.
